Constructive Geometry 2023/24



doc. Ing. Ivana Linkeová, Ph.D.

office KN:B-216, Wednesday 11:00-12:30

Credit (assessment)

Subject is completed by the award of credit (assessment) and passing an examination. The award of credit (assessment) is conditioned by active participation in tutorials and obtaining at least 10 points (test points, updated December 9, 2024) from the short tests (see programme).


The examination (information, topics, example, solution) has a written form, maximum of 100 points can be obtained. The grade is given by Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU. The number of points from short tests exceeding 20 points is included in the examination.

Literature and study materials

  1. Linkeová, I.: Constructive Geometry, textbook, 3rd edition, 2021.
  2. Linkeová, I., Hlavová, M., Pajerová, N.: Constructive Geometry – Exercises: textbook, solutions
  3. Linkeová, I.: Review of quadratic surfaces
  4. Linkeová, I.: Kinematic geometry I – motions given by trajectories and envelopes
  5. Linkeová, I.: Kinematic geometry II – cyclic motions
  6. Isometric grid


Lectures Tutorials Short test (15 minutes, 5 points)
Tu: 8:00 – 10:30, KN:A-313 Fr: 14:15 – 15:45, KN:A-404
1 26. 9. Introduction, Geometrical knowledge test 27. 9. Basic geometrical definitions and constructions
2 3. 10. Methods of projection 4. 10. Technical isometry
3 10. 10. Technical isometry 11. 10. Analytic geometry Technical isometry (11. 10.)
4 17. 10. Analytic geometry 18. 10. Analytic geometry Hyperboloid in technical isometry
5 24. 10. Kinematic geometry 25. 10. Kinematic geometry Analytic geometry (25. 10.)
6 31. 10. Kinematic geometry 1. 11. Kinematic geometry
7 7. 11. Kinematic geometry 8. 11. Kinematic geometry Kiematic geometry (8. 11.)
8 14. 11. Surfaces of revolution 15. 11. Surfaces of revolution
9 21. 11. Surfaces of revolution 22. 11. Surfaces of revolution Surfaces of revolution (22. 11.)
10 28. 11. Surfaces of revolution 29. 12. Helix – examples for practice
11 5. 12. Helicoidal surfaces 6. 12. Helicoidal surfaces Helicoidal surfaces (6. 12.)
12 12. 12. Helicoidal surfaces 13. 12. Helicoidal surfaces
13 19. 12. Developable surfaces 20. 12. Pre-exam consultation